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Access to Public and Private Sector Business Opportunities for Countries All Over the World
What does Tendersgo provide ?
Collects and delivers bids and tenders for all industries from federal, local, and global organizations.

Tender Archive
Hudreds of tender and bid opportunities from thousands of organizations
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Save time with tender researching and screening service from all sources in the world
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To grow your business easily discover global tender and bid opportunities in one place
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Fast and Easy Tender Search: Always One Step Ahead with TendersGo!
At TendersGo, we are dedicated to ensuring that our users can search for tenders quickly and efficiently. On this page, you will learn step-by-step how to find the tenders you are looking for.
With smart filtering, advanced search options, and a user-friendly interface, you can easily find any type of tender you need. With TendersGo, accessing the tenders you need to grow your business is now easier than ever. Ready to get started?
How to Enter Search Keywords
Enter the words or phrases related to the tender or job you are interested in. This could be a focused keyword or technical term, a general word for a job, or you might want to perform a multi-word search. The key is to create the right combination of search terms and ensure that these words appear in the titles or descriptions of tender announcements. Therefore, selecting the appropriate keywords is crucial.

To determine how your search keywords will be evaluated by the search and filtering algorithm, and to obtain precise results, you must select at least one of the options: Mentions, Exact Match, or Any. Please use these options to list different results, ensuring that your desired results are more easily displayed in the search and filtering outcomes.
â—‹ Mentions
Returns results containing all the words you searched for. For instance, searching 'hospital management system' will return results that include 'hospital', 'management', and 'system'. The presence of both words is essential, either adjacent or dispersed throughout the text. Typically, when conducting a tender search focused on a specific topic, you can utilize a combination of these words as desired.
â—‹ Exact Match
Ensures an exact match of the word or phrase. For example, the phrase 'public procurement' must appear exactly as specified. It focuses on finding the exact words as they are written within the text. This method is commonly used to search for technical terms or exact phrases of two or three words, as they appear.
â—‹ Any
Ensures that any word from the phrase matches. For example, either 'public' or 'procurement' must appear. The objective here is to list procurement opportunities in fields of interest using keyword groups. At least one of the specified words must appear within the text, and if you've listed 10 words, any combination of two, three, or all 10 words may appear in the text. The aim is to list results containing any of the specified words present, irrespective of which ones exactly, in order to generate comprehensive results. This method is typically employed to maximize result listings.
The world's largest tender search engine! Unrivaled scope and opportunities in every country, in every language.
TendersGo gathers and presents not only global tenders but also local, national, federal, city, and municipal tenders from hundreds of thousands of sources worldwide. As the most comprehensive search engine, it covers procurement opportunities in every language and country. Currently available in 39 languages, TendersGo continues to expand its language offerings with new sources added daily. Therefore, when conducting searches and setting filters, remember to select the appropriate language to find local tenders.
To Select a Country from the Map
You can explore tender opportunities by selecting your country of interest on the interactive map. You can zoom in or out and navigate between countries. If you cannot find your country on the map, especially smaller or island nations, please visit this page where all countries are listed: https://app.tendersgo.com/countries. There, you can search for the country by its name.

Advanced Filters for More Detailed Results
You can view all your applied filter combinations in the Active Filters section. You can choose to remove any filters you wish, allowing for dynamic filtering.

Please enter your keyword combination.
You can choose to search for keywords in the title or details. Our recommendation is to ensure 'Tender detail' is selected for more comprehensive results.
If you're not searching within a specific country, you can select from 29 continents or regions. You can make single or multiple selections based entirely on your target countries.
You can add active tenders or filter by archived past tender notices in your search results.
You can view your detailed filtering results in a listed table.
You can perform as many searches and filters as you like because TendersGo offers this service without limits.
TendersGo is a unique search engine that provides services in every language and collects data from the widest scope and most sources worldwide. As the largest platform of its kind, TendersGo ensures companies of all sizes have equal access to the most current tender opportunities globally, promoting fair pricing and business opportunities without limitations, unlike other platforms. It encourages companies to enhance and expand their businesses.
List the Results with More Comprehensive and Specifically Detailed Filtering
You can follow your search and filtering results via RSS Feed.
You can create new email alerts. Unlimited!
You can view your email alerts.
You can add the tender announcements you want to follow from search and filtering results to your favorites. View the tender announcements in your favorites.
Filter the results by continent or region.
You can choose to filter by single continent or region, or make multiple selections if desired.
You can select specific countries from the chosen continent or regions and create your own combination to filter.
You can create more personalized and detailed filtering criteria by selecting choices from NAICS, CPV, UNSPSC codes.
You can make selections from your desired code group or choose from multiple code groups.

You can create highly detailed filtering results by making multiple selections across one or more organizations, companies, or public institutions.
You can clear all filtering results with a single button.
Select the languages you want to filter.
TendersGo World's Largest Tender and Contract Opportunities Search Engine.
TendersGo offers unparalleled comprehensive and detailed filtering and search options! It has been developed for 8 years and designed by examining portals from all countries, with ongoing improvements every day. Therefore, TendersGo will be the world's largest search engine for tender and contract opportunities, committed to providing the best user experience with top-notch solutions.
Use Sector and Industry Filters for More Detailed Filtering
You can choose your desired sector or industry from among 77 sectors and industries. You can select one sector or multiple sectors. Along with other detailed filtering options, you can list more refined results based on your own search and filtering combination.

Explore Unlimited Search and Filtering with TendersGo
TendersGo offers the most comprehensive search and filtering service without limits. You can perform as many searches and filters as you wish. Additionally, you can save your search preferences and receive daily email alerts for the latest tender opportunities directly to your inbox. Email alerts are unlimited for premium members.