In Sweden, public tenders are governed by the Public Procurement Act (LOU), which sets out the rules for procurement by public sector entities. The act aims to ensure fair competition, transparency, and non-discrimination in the procurement process. Some key rules that entities must follow include:
Advertise procurement opportunities in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) or a national procurement portal, depending on the value of the contract
Evaluate tenders objectively, based on the criteria specified in the procurement documents
Award contracts to the tenderer who offers the most economically advantageous solution
Provide all tenderers with equal opportunities to participate in the procurement process
Provide access to the procurement documents and the evaluation criteria to all tenderers
Provide reasons for the award decision to all tenderers
It is important to note that the rules for procurement may vary depending on the type of procurement, such as whether it is a goods, services, or works contract. It is also essential to stay updated with any changes in the regulations.