The United Arab Emirates (UAE) uses several tender methods for procurement of goods and services. These include:
Open Tender: This is the most commonly used method in the UAE. It is an open invitation to all suppliers to submit their bids for a specific project or contract.
Restricted Tender: This method is used when the number of qualified suppliers is limited and the procuring entity invites only a selected number of suppliers to submit their bids.
Single Tender: This method is used when only one supplier is capable of providing the required goods or services.
Direct Purchase: This method is used when the procuring entity directly purchases goods or services from a supplier without going through the tender process.
Electronic Tender: This method is used when the procuring entity invites bids through an electronic platform, such as an e-portal.
Framework Agreement: This method is used when the procuring entity enters into an agreement with one or more suppliers for the supply of goods or services over a specific period of time.
These methods are defined by the Federal Law No. (9) of 2018, which regulates procurement in the UAE.